Adult Ministries

Auditorium Sunday School Class

Come join us at 10 A.M. every Sunday Morning as we study God’s Word. Intended for adults of all ages our teachers have a passion for studying and presenting the truths of God’s Word in a manner that is both practical and applicable to our daily walk with Christ.

Discipleship Class

For new believers and young Christians we offer training in the foundational doctrines of our faith. Meeting at 10 A.M. every Sunday we seek to build a solid foundation for a lifetime of Christian service.

Men’s Prayer Meeting

Meeting at 6 P.M. every Saturday in the main sanctuary, the men of the church come together to share burdens and pray together. All men are welcome to join us.

Ladies Prayer Meeting

Meeting at 6 P.M. every Saturday in the care room, the ladies of the church come together to share burdens and pray together. All ladies are welcome to join us.